October 2019.
On point

October 2019.

Read on for info on our new Adviser Hub, how our Retention Team can help you and your customers, and how to quote Trauma Multi on QuoteMonster.

Don’t forget, if you have any feedback on On Point or the way we communicate with you we’d love to hear it - get in touch.


Check out Adviser Hub

Here’s some questions we’ve had from advisers so far:

Click here for more Adviser Hub FAQs

ACC training sessions

Our ACC training sessions will help you make more informed recommendations to your customers. Session details for the Wellington area are below. 

Date/time Location
22 November, 9.15am - 11.45am
22 November, 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Lower Hutt

Transitional licensing - applications now open 25 Nov

The FMA has pushed back the opening date for transitional licence applications to 25 November. Look out for our first issue of Checkpointcoming soon. This e-letter will help guide you through the new licensing process and help you operate successfully in the new regime.

In brief

  • eApp and Apollo Web
  • Trauma Multi on Quotemonster
  • New Business Team

eApp and Apollo Web

In brief

eApp and Apollo Web have been given a fresh new look, with eApp also getting a few enhancements to make it easier to use

Trauma Multi on Quotemonster

In brief

  • You can now quote Trauma Multi on Quotemonster - read more here. What makes Trauma Multi such a great product?
    • Up to 5 Full Benefit claims
    • On subsequent claims there is no stand down period for an unrelated event covered by the policy
    • Go to Adviser Hub to find more about Trauma Multi

New Business Team

In brief

Our New Business Team now emails you a copy of the policy schedule immediately after your customer’s policy has been issued, ensuring you know the policy has been finalised and is correct

We hope you enjoyed this issue of On Point. As always, if you have any questions or if we can help in any way please drop your Business Manager, Business Account Manager or the team a line.