May 2019.
On point

May 2019.

Welcome to your May issue of On Point.

Read on to find out about a new renewal initiative, upcoming ACC training sessions and a reminder about our unique IP income offset feature.

Product tip – IP unique income offset

Did you know our Personal Income Protection (Agreed Value and Indemnity Value) is the only product in the market which allows customers who are totally disabled to keep working up to 10 hours per week, without affecting their monthly benefit payment?

This allows them to focus on recovery and returning to work faster. It’s especially relevant for the self-employed who might find it hard to fully step away from work, even if they’re totally disabled.

For all the details please contact your Business Manager or Business Account Manager, or check out the Income Protection Product Guide.

Income Protection Product Guide
FID0034 Fidelity Brand 4110 (1)

New adviser code of conduct

Earlier this month Minister Kris Faafoi approved the long-awaited Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services. For more details about the code please see the MBIE website and check out the FSC regulatory update below.

Check out FSC update #12

Addressing customer painpoints with warm up emails

You might recall that over the summer months we ran a trial of warm up (or pre-renewal) emails and letters as part of a broader retention initiative.

The main aim was to address two key customer painpoints: affordability concerns and lack of communication / engagement. The warm up communication reminded them of the good reasons for having life insurance, reinforced their decision to be with Fidelity Life and encouraged them to check in with their adviser to make sure their cover’s still up to date.

The feedback we received was positive and we’ve decided to start sending warm up emails on a permanent basis beginning from the July renewal cycle.

Two Months Free SQUARE

Two months free has been extended

Given the success of ‘two months free’ we’ve extended the campaign by a further 2 months to close on 30 June 2019.

Upcoming training - ACC and Lump Sum

Our ACC sessions will cover the following and more:

  • Cover entitlements
  • CoverPlus Extra
  • How ACC integrates with insurance cover

Our Lump Sum training sessions will cover the following and more:

  • Why Fidelity Life
  • Level Term and Yearly Renewable Term
  • Survivors Income
  • Trauma and Trauma Multi
Click here for session details
Date Location Session
29 May
New Plymouth
29 May
Lump Sum
30 May
Palmerston North
31 May
30 May
Lump Sum
19 June
Lump Sum
20 June
Palmerston North
Lump Sum