June 2019.
On point

June 2019.

Welcome to On Point for June.

News this month includes a two months' free extension, upcoming ACC training sessions, and our latest customer e-letter, Be Free.

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Remembering Cary Veenhof

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since we lost our good friend Cary Veenhof.

To mark the occasion members of the Fidelity Life team gathered together to remember him. Gone but not forgotten.

Two months’ free extended to 6 August

Your response to our two months’ free campaign continues to be fantastic!

That’s why we’ve decided to extend the campaign again, to close on 6 August 2019. Your customers will be grinning from ear to ear!

You know the deal:

  • For new Platinum Plus, Platinum Plus Level or Mortgage Protector policy applications submitted up until 6 August 2019, Fidelity Life will pay the first two months’ premiums for eligible customers
  • At least one life insured must have life cover on the policy issued for a total sum insured of $500,000 or more
  • Premiums must be paid on a monthly basis

The application must be underwritten and the policy issued within six months of Fidelity Life receiving the application.

New licensing rules – one year to go!

Last week the Government announced the new financial advice regime, including licensing requirements for advisers, will come into force in June 2020. More details can be found here.

Under the new regime anyone who gives financial advice to retail clients will be required to operate under a licence granted by the FMA - licence application fees will range from $612 to $922 for a full licence, and $405 for a transitional licence. It’s great to have some certainty on timeframes.

If you’re thinking about applying for a licence now’s also a good time to review how the FMA views good conduct – check out their guidance here.

We look forward to supporting you through the transition to the new regime, and beyond.

nib quoting / application support continuing from 1 July

We know how much you value a combined risk and health offer, and we want to keep making it easy for you to do business with us. So in case you missed this week’s news, from 1 July nib products will continue to be supported in Apollo and eApp, the paper multi-app will be maintained and nib forms and collateral will still be available from Adviser Centre.

Regulation update

Submissions on MBIE’s conduct of financial institutions options paper closed earlier this month.

Find out more here

However there’s still time for you to have your say on MBIE’s review of insurance contract law options paper. Submissions close on 28 June – we encourage you to have your say.

Click here for more information

Trauma Multi – it’s a small price to pay

Our Trauma Cover helps customers through one of the 46 specified significant medical events like cancer or a heart attack. With medical advancements people can make a good recovery from these events and continue to live a quality life. This means there's a possibility of another significant medical event occurring.

That’s the beauty of Trauma Multi – by paying a little more than they would for our Trauma Cover, customers have the certainty they're covered for another four unrelated events without any stand down in their cover. They’ll even be covered for the same condition previously claimed, following a short six month stand down, provided it’s unrelated to the event they previously claimed for.

Listening Post

How easy’s eApp? 
If you’re a regular user of our eApp you’ll know how quick and convenient it makes the application process - for both customers and you. 

If you’re not, here’s how to use it: 
Once you’ve finished your Apollo quote, simply click ‘online application’ in the top banner and Apollo will automatically pull through all the information from your quote. Add a few extra details and you’re good to go. 

Once the application’s complete it’ll be sent straight to our wonderful Underwriting team for assessment. Easy as!

Upcoming ACC training in Auckland

Our ACC training sessions will help you make more informed recommendations to your customers. Session details are below – keep an eye out for dates in Southland coming soon.

See session details
Date Location
23 July, 9:30am - 12pm
23 July, 9:30am - 12pm