August 2021.
On point

August 2021.

Improving turnaround times for customer requests.

From 23 August 2021 we’ll process any adviser changes requested by a customer, on the same day. The 10-day period you previously had to wait before accessing customer information on Adviser Centre will no longer apply.

Should you need to reverse the servicing adviser change, a signed request from all policy owners will still be required.

Direct Debit (DD) requests on behalf of customers.

Managing customer requests promptly and correctly is important to us. When receiving a customer request via an adviser, we need a record of the request and the relevant paperwork to support it before we’re able to action it.

Please provide the following when instructing us on a customer’s DD:

  1. An email thread from the customer to confirm the request (when amending an existing DD), or
  2. A completed and signed DD form from the payee (in the case of a new DD).

Product accreditation looming.

Well done to everyone who’s completed their product accreditation. If you haven’t yet completed it or need a hand, please contact your Business Manager or Leigh Bennett on 021 278 1491.

Advisers who haven’t completed accreditation by 17 September 2021 will have their agencies suspended – this means that all commission will be held until it’s completed.