June 2024
On point

June 2024

Your voice matters to us, and we’re always proud to bring you news that reflects that. This month, we have several updates to share that were directly motivated by your feedback.

From the recently enhanced E-App platform to the new improvements we’ve made to Monthly mortgage repayment cover and mandatory medical limits for BMI, your input has been invaluable in shaping our latest initiatives.

Read on to learn more about these enhancements, get the latest updates from your Adviser council, enter for the chance win a $300 gift card and more.

This is your June update.

Introducing new product enhancements for Monthly mortgage repayment cover.

We're excited to introduce 2 key enhancements to our Monthly mortgage repayment cover, prompted by feedback from you, our adviser community. These updates are designed to provide customers with greater flexibility and increased coverage.

Recognising the financial pressures many are facing today, we’ve made these enhancements to help New Zealanders achieve greater financial certainty when it’s time to make a claim.

These changes are now available to both new and existing customers.

Find out more.

New: Even easier applications for BMI-related medicals.

We’re pleased to announce that our mandatory medical limit for BMI has been increased to a BMI of 37, meaning more customers can enjoy a speedier application process without the need for additional tests or medical information.

This will allow more customers to obtain cover with 1 less barrier, saving time and avoiding the hassle of extra medical tests.

View the new underwriting guide.

How your new E-App is making business even easier.

Last month we launched your new and improved E-App, featuring an upgraded interface, paperless signatures, effortless underwriting and more.

Thanks for all your feedback so far – we’ve been blown away by the reactions we’ve been hearing from advisers and they’ve led us to make some small improvements already.

"Client doesn’t need to physically sign – love it!"

"The flow and layout is very good. It's easy to follow and complete."

"The DD and Declaration is 100x better."

If you haven’t given it a try already, now’s a great time to get up to speed with your new E-App. To help you get started, a full webinar recording is now available.

Watch the webinar.

And as always, we’re keen to hear from you. If you have any comments to share about your experience with your new E-App, please don’t hesitate to submit them here.

Give feedback.

Plus, don’t forget that you can enjoy an extra 10% commission on applications submitted through your new E-App before 27-August 2024*.

Learn more.

*Terms and conditions apply.

An update from your Adviser council.

We recently hosted our Adviser council for a quarterly meeting, where the council covered a fair bit of ground.

Members weighed in on the latest business update, covering Fidelity Life's strategy for the next 6-months and beyond, and explored income protection benefits across different client scenarios.

They also participated in a round table conversation which looked at emerging industry trends, and provided feedback on planning for the upcoming Engage 2024 conference, giving attention to the event agenda and speaker lineup.

“I have no doubt that the continuation of the Adviser council will serve to ensure our industry respects and uplifts each other in business.”

- Adviser council member.

We want to know what you think the council should cover next quarter, as your insights play a crucial role in shaping our future initiatives.

Submit your ideas through the form below, or get in touch at advisercouncil@fidelitylife.co.nz.

Share your ideas.