June 2022.
On point

June 2022.

Mark it.

Do-able marketing strategies, to enhance and promote your business.

Our new addition to the Support & Training section on Adviser Hub, Mark it, is a suite of materials curated to support you to deliver impactful communication, at different stages of your marketing strategy and to different audiences.

Explore our communication templates, how-to-guides and marketing content. Make sure you bookmark the page to stay up-to-date with new content.

Explore Mark it.

Refreshed application forms.

We’ve updated our application forms to make them more relevant to customers today.

We’ve streamlined our questions so that they’re easier for customers to understand and in turn, provide the right information we need. We’ve added in new health history questions including questions on COVID-19.

With an understanding of how customers review documents today, customers can now complete and sign our risk application forms on screen. Signatures can be drawn straight on the editable form using a touch screen or inserted as an image. Please note: we don’t accept typed signatures.

Our updates smooth the administration process and support you in your service.

Access the new forms

What's happening in the industry.

It Starts with Action.

We’re proud to support the FSC It Starts with Action campaign – a collective initiative to grow women’s financial wellbeing in New Zealand.

Learn more>


Important reminder.

Earlier this year we communicated your responsibilities around meeting the standard of competence, knowledge and skill ahead of approaching deadlines.  

More information>