Phil Robinson.
Phil Robinson Insurance
Outward Bound Classic 695 | Huria | 21 Nov 2022.
"The build-up leading to the event brings an element of nervous excitement and series of “what ifs” but I know I’ll immerse myself and enjoy the ride once it starts."
Excited, lucky, amped.
2022 was an interesting year for Phil. He had decided to take time to focus on his personal health and development in the new year. So, when he heard that he'd been one of the lucky 5 advisers to be chosen to be part of the 'Realise your potential' programme, he was really excited.
Phil admits that not having a phone or internet and the stripping away of the day-to-day luxuries might prove a challenge and he may be out of his depth, but he was keen to ‘get back to basics’ and see what happened.
Phil consciously set aside time to prepare on both a practical and a mental level so he'd appreciate the experience of the course to its fullest.
"I’m excited to end this year with a rich personal experience that will no doubt be challenging at times, but full of learning, connection, and reflection."

After the 5-day leadership course.
"Everybody who is physically able to do this course, should do this course."

The impact of authenticity.
What surprised Phil the most about the course was how he was free to be his true self and genuinely connect with others on the course. Since nobody knew each other at the beginning, everyone was on a level playing field. This created space for people to show their personal strengths in a non-judgemental environment. When you are able to understand people without the preconceived notions, you move from judgemental to receptive when it comes to their behaviours.
Phil was surprised at his ability with the physical challenges and being able to support his team mate to overcome the challenge of the high ropes and share in their sense of accomplishment once they got through.
Which bit was the most fun?
Phil found jumping into the cold ocean at the end of his PT sessions exhilarating and fun. He explains it had a real wow factor that made him feel alive with all his senses firing at once.
Supporting his teammate with the challenge on the high ropes was a real highlight. He enjoyed encouraging her to not only overcome her inhibitions to rise to the challenge but to completely excel with it. He felt it was amazing to be on that journey with her and share in her sense of accomplishment. He was so proud of her once she accomplished the task.

“I have come away with greater clarity and focus, lessons, and insights that I can apply day-to-day in my life, with a deeper understanding of myself and others.”

"The only thing that matters, is what matters."
Going forward Phil is going to prioritise his attention and energy on what really matters at the heart of things.