Fidelity Life extends personalised cancer support to group insurance employers and employees.

Fidelity Life extends personalised cancer support to group insurance employers and employees.

Media release

17 July 2023

Fidelity Life’s Group Trauma Insurance customers and their employees* will benefit from access to Cancer Coach, a personalised cancer support service from today.

The offer builds on Fidelity Life’s successful Cancer companion launched in 2022 in partnership with global oncology and digital health firms Osara Health (formerly CancerAid) and Teladoc Health. Cancer Coach by Osara Health is one of three components of Cancer companion.

Available to eligible employees with a cancer diagnosis (regardless of claim status) at no additional cost to participate, Cancer Coach is a one-on-one 6-12-week virtual support and education program assisted by a qualified Osara Health Coach.

Fidelity Life Head of Group Insurance Anita Los’e says more than 27,000 New Zealanders were diagnosed with cancer in 2020, with almost 40% between the ages of 20 and 64[1] - their prime working years.

“Being able to support employees through a cancer diagnosis with care and compassion can have a huge impact on their overall cancer journey, so we’re delighted we can extend this offer to our Group Trauma Insurance customers – including our own people, the majority of which hold trauma cover as part of our benefits package. 

“Not only does it provide many benefits for employees at a critical time of need, but 78% of Cancer Coach participants are more likely to recommend their employer to others post the program. The program has also shown to be an effective retention tool for employers with 80% reporting that it helped improve their productivity[2],” says Anita.

Designed for all stages, cancer types and people, Cancer Coach uses a combination of expertise, empathy and technology, backed by the latest clinical research so participants feel empowered, supported, and informed about their health.

The service is tailored to meet the individual’s needs and goals and includes symptom tracking via an app, access to evidence-based educational resources and personalised advice on changes to lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise and sleep, to provide guidance on their cancer journey with care and support.

Osara Health’s CEO Dr Raghav Murali-Ganesh says offering Cancer Coach to Fidelity Life’s Group Trauma Insurance customers will allow many New Zealand employers to transform employee cancer support. 

“Cancer Coach is the only clinically validated return to work intervention available globally[3] and is a flexible solution that works around the employee. With 40% of people diagnosed with cancer often failing to return to work[4], our program aims to address the many contributing factors in a holistic way, giving employees the confidence to manage their cancer journey and their return to work, on average, 16.5 weeks faster[5].

“Beyond financial gain, employment also offers a sense of normality, stability, and purpose, all of which are known to contribute significantly to mental wellness. In the face of a cancer diagnosis that can turn an employee's life upside down, having access to a clinically validated support option becomes a source of immense comfort. This support works hand-in-hand with individuals, prioritising their unique health goals and aiding their journey towards restoring a sense of normality. With Osara Health, the assurance that an employee’s employer and insurer stand firmly by their side can make a world of difference,” says Raghav.

Fidelity Life Group Trauma Insurance customers are encouraged to reach out to their financial adviser, or to find out more about Cancer Coach by Osara Health visit

*T&Cs apply.  Cancer Coach is not available on any other Fidelity Life Group covers (e.g., Group Life Insurance), or Direct Covers.   


[2] Osara Health Internal Data, 2022

[3] Osara Health Published Study: A retrospective cohort analysis of return-to-work outcomes for cancer survivors using a digital coaching intervention. Aung et al Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022

[4] AIHW report 2018

[5] Osara health published Study: A retrospective cohort analysis of return-to-work outcomes for cancer survivors using a digital coaching intervention. Aung et al Journal of Clinical Oncology 2022