We’re immensely proud that since 1973 we’ve paid out more than $1.4 billion in claims.
Our goal is to give you and your customers certainty by making a claim decision quickly and accurately. Read our claims promise.
Check out our customer claims brochure.David's story.
He’s just one of around 1,100 customers we help every year. A car fanatic, father to three, husband, and home owner, here he shares his deeply personal story about what happened when he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease.
Mike's story.
Taking on the Tour Aotearoa to raise money for Parkinson’s NZ and the Neuro Research Charitable Trust, Mike’s not letting Parkinson’s slow him down.

We aim to:
- Give an accurate assessment, first time.
- Act in good faith.
- Be clear and transparent.
- Deliver fast and effective service.
- Put the right people and expertise on each claim.
The claims process.
- Submit a claim online.
- Email us at claims@fidelitylife.co.nz
- Call 0800 88 22 88 and ask to speak to our claims team.
- Each claim’s assigned to a case manager who specialises in that type of claim. They’ll be your main point of contact throughout the claims process.
- Our admin team may also contact you for follow up information.
We’ll send you and your customer a requirements letter setting out all the information your customer needs to provide to lodge their claim, and any necessary forms.
Once we’ve received the requested claim information, we’ll begin the claim assessment.
We may need further information from you, your customer, or a third party – we’ll get in touch if we do.
Once we have everything we need we’ll make a decision and let you and your customer know.
Claim time tips.
Claims time can be stressful for customers so we want to make things as quick and easy as possible. You can help us by:
- Notifying us of the claim as soon as possible.
- Emphasising to your customers the importance of disclosing all relevant information at application time.
- Ensuring we can have direct conversations with your customers.
- Reminding customers of the importance of seeing a doctor and obtaining a medical certificate.
- Verifying documents – remember to get ID and legal documents certified.
To help avoid any surprises or delays, make sure you understand the cover your customer has in place before you submit a claim. For example:
- If your customer is claiming under trauma, is the condition they’re suffering from listed under their policy?
- Are there any stand-down periods that might apply or limitations to pass-back wording by way of pre-existing conditions?
- For income protection claims, is the time off work likely to exceed the wait period?
- If your customer has an indemnity policy, are they self-employed and do they have a complete set of business accounts they can provide, if required?
Also, remember we need specific consent to share your customer’s claim information with you.
Online claim notification form.
We're sorry to hear your customer needs to make a claim.
All we need is a few details and our claims team will be in touch to work through the claim with them.
Make a claim.Forms.
We can’t provide all forms online due to the nature of some types of claims. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, email claims@fidelitylife.co.nz or call us on 0800 88 22 88 - we’re here to help.
Use this form for ongoing accepted Income protection type claims where a Power of attorney is involved.
Use this form if your customer needs to provide consent for Fidelity Life to collect additional personal information to assess a claim.
Use this form if your client needs to provide consent for Fidelity Life to disclose personal information to a 3rd party to assess a claim.
Use this form for ongoing accepted Income Protection type claims.
Use this form where the only claim to be made is for the Hospitalisation Benefit.
Use this form for ongoing accepted Income Protection type claims.