Life cover
Your customers have big plans for the future – but things don’t always play out the way they’d hoped. And when things change, it can often lead to extra financial pressure for the people they care about most. Having life cover takes some of that pressure off.
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Trauma cover
Our Trauma cover pays a lump sum if your customers suffer a specified serious illness (like a heart attack, cancer, or stroke) or a specified life-changing physical injury. It’s cover that can make a huge difference to helping with the financial costs involved with things like treatments and ongoing care.
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Trauma multi cover
While traditional trauma cover pays out once for a specified serious condition, Trauma multi cover can help customers get through up to five specified serious illnesses or injuries.
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Total and permanent disability
Our Total and permanent disability (TPD) cover can be included as part of Life cover or held on its own. Either way, it’s paid out as a lump sum should your customers become totally and permanently disabled and unable to work. And because we know not all hard work is done in a workplace, homemakers can take out TPD cover too.
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Income protection cover
Chances are your customers work hard to earn their income. But what would they do if they couldn't physically work because they got seriously ill? Who would pay their mortgage? Or the rent? Or the bills? Income protection cover won't cost them the earth – but it could save their world from falling apart.
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Mortgage cover
Most of your customers will be putting a decent amount of money towards their mortgage or rent every month. It’s a part of life – and an important part at that, if it means having a place to call their own. Those monthly payments don’t stop if they get sick or injured and can’t work like they normally would, though. Which is why our Monthly mortgage repayment cover is worth having.
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